Taggin' Things

My photo
Hi, My name is Anni. I have been tagging for 10 years. I started out as a snagger. Then got PSP for my birthday and I was off. I am self taught. I started my blog to share some of my masks. I hope to add cluster frames too. I have 1 son and 2 grand kidees. Grandson 20 Grand Daughter 19. they are all grown and have their own lives to live. I live in Idaho USA. I live with my love of 25 years. We have 3 cats; Miss Marsha May Mellow, Mr. Tutone and Miss Nemo. 1 Dog; Mr. Tanner 1 Bird; Master Bates. I'm disabled and retired.

Friday, March 27, 2020

Cluster Frame for Easter

This cluster frame is for Easter. Have fun! Please leave a thanks! ClusterFrameCuteBunny2020AnnizCreationz
 A Snag Tag 4SnagAnnaMarineCFCuteBunny2020Anni
 A Sample tag 4-Anni-Anna-Marine-CFCute-Bunny2020-Anni